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Innovation and improvement processes in the field of family intervention. The role of practitioners in the incorporation of evidence-based best practices


  • Mª Victoria Hidalgo Universidad de Sevilla



Family intervention, Evidence-based best practices, Innovation processes, Interprofessional skills


The important effort that is being carried out by the public administrations to articulate family intervention and support actions within state, regional and local plans and strategies must be linked to innovation and improvement processes aimed at promoting the quality of services and programs for children and families. In this sense, there is a clear consensus between institutional managers and researchers on the need for family intervention actions to be practical and evidence-based programs. This article reflects on the central role of professionals for the incorporation of evidence-based best practices in the field of family intervention, concluding on the need to identify and promote the workforce skills in family intervention to guarantee the quality of family care services.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo, M. V. (2022). Innovation and improvement processes in the field of family intervention. The role of practitioners in the incorporation of evidence-based best practices. Apuntes De Psicología, 40(3), 117-126.

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