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A review of group intervention programs with victims of gender violence


  • Rosario Vaca-Ferrer Centro de Psicología, Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz (España)
  • Rafael Ferro García Centro de Psicología Clínica C.E.D.I., Granada (España)
  • Luis Valero Aguayo Universidad de Málaga (España)



review, gender violence, battered women, group therapy


Gender violence is a serious personal and social problem, with multiple consequences for abused women. Intervention studies to help these people, are scarce and from different approaches. We have carried out a systematic review of the treatments applied in groups to women who have been in gender violence. The data bases of Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Dialnet and grey literature were reviewed. From the papers found, 34 of them have been select because they were studies with data about efficacy, grouped by the type of intervention: cognitive-behavioural therapies (22), contextual therapies (4), and diverse programmes (8). The results showed that cognitive-behavioural therapies are effective in reducing anxiety, stress, and PTSD behaviours, with varying effect sized and follow-ups to 12 months. Contextual therapies are promising in this field and can be addressed in an individualized way. The other therapies sowed efficacy in some cases, although each is based on different theories, they also use techniques from cognitive-behavioural therapies. We concluded that there is a need for research on the specific components of the therapies, and more studies with randomized group designs.


(Se han señalado con un asterisco los estudios empíricos utilizados en la revisión).

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Research articles

How to Cite

Vaca-Ferrer, R., Ferro García, R., & Valero Aguayo, L. (2021). A review of group intervention programs with victims of gender violence. Apuntes De Psicología, 39(3), 111-123.

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