



Professional skills, Evidence-based programmes, Attitudes, Family intervention


When implementing innovation processes in family intervention services that involve the incorporation of evidence-based programmes (EBP), it is essential to take into consideration the role played by professionals, since the fidelity and quality of the implementation of the programmes largely depends on them. This study focuses on analysing the attitudes of professionals towards EBP, as well as their perception and assessment of the Family Intervention Programme (FIP), developed in the family prevention services of Pamplona City Council (Spain). The participants in the study were the 27 professionals who implement the FIP, who completed the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS) and the Expectations and Initial Assessment of the FIP (EVI-FIP). The results obtained showed the relationship between attitudes towards evidence-based practice and some characteristics of the professionals. A significant relationship was also found between a high valuation of the FIP and positive attitudes towards EBP. These results support the importance of professional attitudes as elements that can facilitate or hinder innovation and improvement processes in family care and intervention services.


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13/11/2022 — Updated on 15/11/2022


How to Cite

Pizarro Carmona, A., Herrera Collado, E., Hernandez Belío, M., & Pérez-Padilla, J. (2022). attitudes. Apuntes De Psicología, 40(3), 139-149. (Original work published 2022)

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