Critical Contributions to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy From the Philosophy of Ortega y Gasset
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Philosophy of Ortega y Gasset, Contextual TherapiesAbstract
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is one of the most important contextual therapies in the current landscape of psychology. The aim of this paper is to present some critical contributions to it from the philosophy of Ortega y Gasset. The text is divided into four parts. The first part presents the central concepts of ACT, its basic philosophy, and its theoretical and empirical foundations. The second part presents an outline of Ortega's philosophy and its relevance for Psychology and Clinical Psychology. In the third part, some problems and limitations of ACT in the light of Ortega's philosophy are analyzed, without any attempt at systematization. It is pointed out that the emphasis on the socio-verbal context of ACT leaves in the background other aspects of the context that may be relevant for understanding and treating human suffering. It is also argued that its emphasis on personal values as the purpose and meaning of therapy, but without a philosophical anthropology and an underlying axiology to support them, can lead to problems. In the fourth part, some proposed solutions are pointed out with a view to solving or neutralizing the problems and limitations of ACT analyzed. It is concluded that Ortega's philosophy can serve as a second philosophical, anthropological and axiological-ethical basis, complementary to functional contextualism and pragmatism, which can help and enrich ACT.
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