Frequenting Places in Neighboring Neighborhoods Influences the Psychological Sense of Community: A Case Study in the City of Seville (Spain)




Psychological Sense of Community, Neighborhoods of Residence, Neighboring Neighborhoods, Vulnerable Neighborhoods, Places of Community Interaction


Residential neighborhoods provide risk and protection contexts with important repercussions on subjective well-being and quality of life. However, previous research has paid scant attention to the psychological impact of relationships between neighborhoods. In this study we explore the frequentation of places of interaction in neighboring neighborhoods and its impact on the psychological sense of community. Through a case study of four neighborhoods in the city of Seville that differ in their income level, we verified that residents of vulnerable neighborhoods tend to use the services of neighboring neighborhoods with more resources, especially when they have attractive services and places. With a sample of 225 residents, we show that the psychological sense of community varies depending on the years of residence in the neighborhood, the socioeconomic level and the frequentation of places in the neighboring neighborhoods. The results could be useful in designing effective community development strategies.


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16/10/2023 — Updated on 24/10/2023


How to Cite

Maya-Jariego, I., González-Tinoco, E., & Muñoz-Alvis, A. (2023). Frequenting Places in Neighboring Neighborhoods Influences the Psychological Sense of Community: A Case Study in the City of Seville (Spain). Apuntes De Psicología, 41(3), 137-151. (Original work published 2023)

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