Quality of care of Clinical Psychology in the Andalusian Health Service as assessed by professionals.
Psychology, Clinical, Quality of Health Care, Mental Health, Public HealthAbstract
Objective: Evaluation of healthcare quality of clinical psychology services in the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) from the perspective of the facultative.
Method: Descriptive research. For data collection, a 39-item questionnaire was developed that assesses various dimensions of quality (prevention, accessibility, suitability of evaluation and treatment interventions, safety, and care coordination). A sample of 83 clinical psychologists responded to the questionnaire, representing 32.17% of the reference population, 258 facultative who, at the time of data collection make up the SAS staff.
Results: The current quality of care of clinical psychology services in the SAS, based on a ratio of 3.05 clinical psychologists per 100,000 inhabitants, is deficient, especially in the dimensions of prevention, intensity of treatment interventions, and safety, and worrisome in the 2nd level of care.
Conclusions: It is urgent to increase the ratio of clinical psychologists/100,000 inhabitants to reduce the risk posed for users by the deficient intensity with which psychological treatments are currently practiced. It is necessary to establish standards for the workload of clinical psychologists in order to offer
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