Adaptation and validation to the context of the Spanish physical-sport activity of the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport in adult practitioners.
The objective of this study was to adapt and validate the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (MIS) in adults in Spain,since it is the first measurement scale of mindfulness oriented to sport but there is no evidence to examine its validity
in the Spanish version. For this, a sample of 337 physical exercise practitioners with an average age of 41 years was
used, who were measured the mindfulness and the level of physical exercise in free time. Various descriptive, internal
consistency, correlation and confirmatory factor analyzes were carried out. After confirmatory factor analysis, the scale
(33, 337) = 175.56, p = .000, χ2/gl = 2.01, CFI = .90, IFI = .90, RMSEA = .07) presented adequate values in addition to
be invariant by sex These results support the three dimensions of the scale on consciousness, absence of prejudice and
reorientation. The internal consistency obtained from the respective dimensions was above .70. Consciousness correlated
negatively with the absence of prejudices and positively with reorientation and physical exercise in free time, in addition,
the latter correlated positively with reorientation. This study has made it possible to provide a valid and reliable scale
with initial evidence to evaluate mindfulness in Spanish practitioners of physical and sports activity.
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How to Cite
MORENO-MURCIA, J. A., HUÉSCAR HERNÁNDEZ, E., & GEA ESCÁMEZ, A. (2019). Adaptation and validation to the context of the Spanish physical-sport activity of the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport in adult practitioners. Apuntes De Psicología, 37(2), 141-148.