Bullying profiles and climate dynamics of coexistence in the classroom
Our work aims to obtain information on the relationship that can exist between a contextual variable, as the Climate of Coexistence in the Classroom, and bullying among Elementary students. Research involved 320 students from 5th and 6th grade from Caceres city and province. Three scales were developed to measure the frequency of bullying behaviors, from three perspectives: Aggressor, Victim and Observer, and fourth questionnaire assessing the Climate of Coexistence in the Classroom. All of them present psychometric properties. Regarding the results of our investigation, we can conclude that there is a relationship between bullying from any of their prospects aggressor, victim and observer, and a more negative perception of the Climate of Coexistence in the Classroom.
Polo del Río, M.I., León del Barco, B. & Gozalo Delgado, M. (2013). Perfiles de la dinámica bullying y clima de convivencia en el aula. Apuntes de Psicología, 31, 135-144.