Book Review: Saavedra-Macías, Francisco Javier (2023). De Repente, la Maldita Lucidez: Experiencias y Reflexiones de un Cuidador en Salud Mental (Suddenly, the Damned Lucidity. Experiences and Reflections of a Mental Health Caregiver). Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.
Mental health, Serious mental disorders, Narrative, Fiction, Existential psychology, Cultural-historical psychologyAbstract
This paper gathers three reviews of the book De repente, la maldita lucidez. Experiences and reflections of a caregiver in mental health in which the author, through a hybrid genre between narrative and essay, reworks his memories as a caregiver of people with severe mental disorders and reflects critically on the meaning of the experience of madness. In the first review, Juan Daniel Ramírez Garrido analyzes how memory and fiction, narrative and essay are intertwined in the work analyzed, from a very personal perspective. For his part, Antonio Vázquez Morejón relates the book to the psycho-biographical perspective, a means of understanding psychopathology that has been used by authors such as Oliver Sack. This polyphonic review is completed by Raquel Vázquez-Morejón's professional and scientific review of the book's essay chapters, in which she highlights the historical-cultural and existential perspective of the experience of madness adopted by the author. This choral review closes with a final section in which the author of the book dialogues with his critics.
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