Examining direct verbal interaction through therapy: Therapist shaping and contingencies effect
Therapeutic relationship , Verbal behavior , Shaping , Observation , Categorization , Functional Analytic PsychotherapyAbstract
An investigation of direct therapeutic interaction is presented, aiming to elucidate the mechanism of progressive shaping and the contingencies implemented by the therapist as a possible mechanism of therapeutic change. Using a singlecase design with concurrent baselines, three individuals with distinct psychological issues participated in an 8-session intervention. A system of observation, recording and classification (SCAFIT) of verbal responses, aligning with the principles of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, was used. This involved a meticulous analysis of clinically relevant client behaviors and therapist-administered reinforcement/punishment consequences. The results showed a verbal shaping effect, reducing inappropriate behaviours (CCR1) and a simultaneous progression in appropriate behaviours (CCR1 and 2). Observer reliability, assessed through Kappa between 0.56 and 0.65, indicated high agreement. Furthermore, strong correlations between the client’s and the therapist’s behaviours (between r = 0.82 and 0.99) were observed. Lag-sequential
analysis and Yule’s Q index were significant and high values (between 0.48 and 0.99). The findings confirmed the existence of a progressive shaping process attributed to therapist-applied contingencies. This study introduces a practical analytical tool, applicable for moment-to-moment interactions within therapy sessions. Grounded in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, it holds promise to broader application across various verbal therapeutic modalities.
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