Verbal pairing to transfer functions by classical conditioning: An experimental study




Verbal pairing , Classical conditioning, Transfer of functions , Single-case , Adults


The transfer of functions is key to explain the change in behavior resulting from a therapeutic intervention and has traditionally been explained based on operant conditioning processes. This exploratory study sought to find experimental evidence of transfer of functions using classical conditioning procedures. Three conditioned visual stimuli (EC1, EC2 and EC3) and one aversive unconditioned (EI) auditory stimulus were used. EC1 was associated with EC2, EC3 with EI and then verbally paired EC1 with EC3 seeking to transfer the function of the EI to EC2 without ever having been directly associated. Electrodermal activity was measured in four adults and a transfer test was performed. We found only some evidence of transfer of the function of the elicitor EI of electrodermal activity (a chirp) to a visual image (EC2) through the pairing of the previously conditioned words “Antonio” (EC1) and “chirp” (EC3). This exploratory finding tentatively suggests that Pavlovian conditioning could explain some therapeutic processes, related to the effect that the verbal interaction between client and therapist has on the behavior of the former and its control outside the clinic, completing the traditional explanations based on operant conditioning. However, it is insufficient and limitations and suggestions for the continuity of this line of research are discussed.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Palomino, M. ., Fernández-Shaw, M. ., & Froxán-Parga, M.-X. (2024). Verbal pairing to transfer functions by classical conditioning: An experimental study. Apuntes De Psicología, 42(2), 141-150.

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