Análisis de la implementación del Programa de tratamiento a familias con menores en situación de riesgo o desprotección en Andalucía: Valoración de las y los profesionales




Family treatment, Program evaluation, Child welfare, Implementation, Quality standards, Fidelity, Profesional profile


This study covers the implementation analysis of the Programme for Families involved in the Andalusian Child Welfare System from the perspective of a sample of 479 front-line practitioners from 147 family treatment services. Firstly, the fidelity to the programme, some related attitudinal variables (motivation, perception of utility and effectiveness, satisfaction with the teamwork), as well as the relationship of these variables with both practitioners’ experience and professional profile were analysed. Secondly, proposals for change suggested by the practitioners in order to improve the functioning of the programme were described. A combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses of the information from a questionnaire that included both open- and closed-ended questions was followed. The results showed that practitioners positively rated the programme, both in general terms and in specific implementation variables. They also highlighted several aspects that could be improved, including both program-related aspects included (as the modification of the program manual, the timing, the professional profiles and an ongoing training) and other aspects external to the program (as the need to improve and facilitate coordination and communication channels, and supervision processes).


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13/11/2022 — Updated on 15/11/2022


How to Cite

López-Verdugo, I., Ridao Ramírez, P., Casares Ordoñez, R., Mielgo García, F. J., Jiménez García, L., & Jiménez García, L. (2022). Análisis de la implementación del Programa de tratamiento a familias con menores en situación de riesgo o desprotección en Andalucía: Valoración de las y los profesionales. Apuntes De Psicología, 40(3), 127-138. (Original work published 2022)

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