Terapia cognitivo conductual para los delirios y alucinaciones resistentes a la medicación en pacientes psicóticos ambulatorios


  • Carlos CUEVAS-YUST


In psychosis, a pathology traditionally reserved for psychiatric treatment, the appearance of the psychological interventions is especially interesting and promising. In fact, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is proving to be an effective approach in the treatment of positive psychotic symptoms resistant to the neuroleptic medication. It also shows evidence that it could be contributed to the reduction of relapses. In the following (article) we describe the stages of CBT in psychosis, as well as its adaptation to this pathology.


How to Cite

CUEVAS-YUST, C. (2006). Terapia cognitivo conductual para los delirios y alucinaciones resistentes a la medicación en pacientes psicóticos ambulatorios. Apuntes De Psicología, 24(1-3), 267-292. https://apuntesdepsicologia.es/index.php/revista/article/view/106