Exploring Mental Health in Prison: an Analysis in the Program of Integrated Care for the Mentally Ill
Severe Mental Disorder, PAIEM, penitentiary environment, pilot studyAbstract
Around 3.6% of the 11 million people incarcerated worldwide suffer from psychotic disorders, representing a prevalence four times higher compared to the general population. This phenomenon is linked to high rates of suicide among inmates, an increased risk of premature death after release, and a heightened likelihood of reoffending. In response to this reality, Spanish Penitentiary Institutions initiated a program in 2009 aimed at the comprehensive care of inmates with Severe Mental Disorders. The objective of this pilot study is to explore how anxiety, depression, and trauma-related disorders can affect inmates in two prisons in Lugo, gathering initial data to better understand the mental health challenges facing this population. The results revealed significant differences in the variables of anxiety, depression, and experiences of abuse, highlighting the importance of considering these factors in mental health care within the prison environment. These findings lay the groundwork for future research and advocate for more effective policies and programs to ensure adequate care in prisons.
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