The Socioemotional climate in A Lama penitentiary (Pontevedra, Spain)




socioemotional climate, educational opportunities, penitentiary


This study examines the socioemotional climate in A Lama prison (Pontevedra, Spain). The study involved 153 participants, male (82.9 %), with an average age of 42.33 (SD = 11.40) years. Correlation analyses showed significant relationships between various affective processes, such as hope, solidarity, trust, and hatred, as well as associations between fear and the feeling of loneliness. Mediation analysis confirmed that educational opportunities for inmates
not only increase joy but also reduce anger, contributing to a positive socioemotional climate. These results highlight the complexity of socioemotional experiences in the prison context, emphasizing the importance of simultaneously considering multiple emotional processes to gain a deeper understanding of the penitentiary socioemotional climate.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Arjona-Otero, B., & Fernández-Sedano, I. (2024). The Socioemotional climate in A Lama penitentiary (Pontevedra, Spain). Apuntes De Psicología, 42(3), 217-225.

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