Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: A review from its origins to the present




FAP, Functional Analysis of Behavior, Behavior Therapy, Clinically Relevant Behavior


Functional Analytical Psychotherapy (FAP) is a third-generation behavior therapy that uses functional analysis of behavior under the premise that the patient's behavior in therapy will be functionally equivalent to his behavior outside of therapy (in his life). Kohlenberg and Tsai created this therapeutic model to address relational problems in an experiential way, making use of the operationalization of aspects of other models, such as transference dynamics. Over the decades, FAP has accumulated a large number of publications that show its usefulness--as a single therapy or complemented with other techniques--when addressing multiple clinical problems. In recent years, new therapeutic models and tools have proliferated with the aim of solving current limitations, using FAP in the analysis and intervention of other problems, as well as to enrich the training of new therapists thanks to the definition of specific therapeutic goals.


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31/07/2022 — Updated on 12/10/2022




Research articles

How to Cite

Ortiz Fune, M. del C., & Marín Vila, M. (2022). Functional Analytic Psychotherapy: A review from its origins to the present. Apuntes De Psicología, 40(2), 87-95. (Original work published 2022)

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