Influence of gender, country, BMI, Instagram use, food moralization and body image on body dysmorphia in young adults from Spain and Venezuela.




body dysmorphia, food moralization, body image, young adults


Body Dysmorphia Disorder (BDD) is characterized by an excessive concern with physical appearance, which has been of interest to the scientific community in recent years. Different variables have been found to influence BDD; therefore, the aim of the present research was to determine the direct and indirect effect of gender, country, age, body mass index, Instagram use, food moralization and body image on dysmorphia; comparing Spanish and Venezuelan nationality. A path analysis was performed with the total sample (208 participants), finding that the variables that
directly or indirectly influence are sex, body mass index, food-related guilt, country and body image; also, people who present body dysmorphia behaviors tend to be women, people with high BMI, greater dissonance between their body image and perceived body image, and tend to feel food-related guilt. In addition, in an indirect way, Venezuelans presented greater body dysmorphia behaviors. We conclude the relevance of these variables on BDD and recommend considering these findings when planning intervention strategies and prevention policies.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Armas Bracho, S., Zambrano Gómez, J., & Moreno Jiménez, J. (2024). Influence of gender, country, BMI, Instagram use, food moralization and body image on body dysmorphia in young adults from Spain and Venezuela. Apuntes De Psicología, 42(3), 175-183.

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