A psychosocial intervention program to improve social skills in adolescent users of alcohol and other psychoactive substances


  • María de la Villa MORAL JIMÉNEZ
  • Anastasio OVEJERO BERNAL


Social skills constitute a psychosocial competency indicator and the unsuitableness of they represents a risk factor for the genesis of psychoactive substances consumption in adolescents. With the result that we have proposed a qualification and optimative of personal recourses programme with four psychosocial intervention kinds (Family Intervention, Expert, Information, and Basic Sensitiveness). In the exploratory study a sample of 755 secondary school students of four High Schools of the Principado de Asturias was chosen, and of them a sample of 141 adolescents described as in risk has been selected with the object of apply the cited socio educative psychosocial intervention programme. We have verified the efficacy of the social skills training sessions, confirming the improvement in cognitive, conductual and interpersonal indicators in the three successive evaluations (at
two, seven and twelve months after expounded) alongside longitudinal study.




Research articles

How to Cite

MORAL JIMÉNEZ, M. de la V., & OVEJERO BERNAL, A. (2005). A psychosocial intervention program to improve social skills in adolescent users of alcohol and other psychoactive substances. Apuntes De Psicología, 23(1), 3-26. https://apuntesdepsicologia.es/index.php/revista/article/view/65

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