Perception and realization of the social valorisation of different allegiant conducts among the Argentinean workers according to their situation of employed or unemployed person


  • Luisa MAYORAL
  • Bernard GANGLOFF
  • María del Carmen ROMERO


The social valorization of a conduct constitutes one of the main characteristics of social norms. Recent studies showed that managers valorize the allegiant conducts of their subordinates, observation that leads to think that exists an allegiance norm, and that the subordinates are conscious of the existence of this norm. One wonders here : 1) if the subordinates are aware of this existence in a global or differential manner according to
its different demonstrations, 2) if, spontaneously, they follow this norm in a global or differential manner and 3) if these global or differential awareness and conducts depend on
the effective occupation of an employment. To answer to these questions, we used the paradigm of the overnormative versus
counternormative self-report. That is to say that we presented to 180 workers of the Province of Buenos Aires (half of them having a job and the other half being jobless) a list of conducts and we asked them to indicate those that, spontaneously, they were tempted to adopt, those that they would adopt if they wished to give a good image of themselves, and those that they would adopt to give a bad image. The gotten results confirm our hypotesis of selectivity of the answers and the effect of the employment.



Mayoral, L., Gangloff, B. & Romero, M.C. (2011). Percepción y materialización de la valorización social de diferentes conductas obedientes en los obreros argentinos en función de su situación de asalariados o de desocupados. Apuntes de Psicología, 29, 23-34.




Research articles

How to Cite

MAYORAL, L., GANGLOFF, B., & ROMERO, M. del C. (2011). Perception and realization of the social valorisation of different allegiant conducts among the Argentinean workers according to their situation of employed or unemployed person. Apuntes De Psicología, 29(1), 23-34.