Tolerance and respect for differences: The effects of an educational activity at school


  • Zilda Aparecida Pereira DEL PRETTE
  • Livia AMARO
  • Priscila BENITEZ
  • Aline LAURENTI
  • Almir DEL PRETTE


A study of an experimental intervention that evaluated the impact of an educational activity in schools to promote tolerance and respect for differences is reported. A total of 300 children participated, divided into three groups: one control (without intervention), and two experimental groups (drama and audiovisual presentation of a children’s story, focusing on the topic of preferences for soccer teams). The intervention was assessed before and after, with a semantic differential scale range in which children attributed positive and negative adjectives to their own team as well as the opposing team. The results showed: (1) a more favorable evaluation of one’s own team maintained during the two specific moments, (2) the initially more unfavorable evaluation, towards the opposing team, improved significantly after the intervention. The implications of the results are discussed in relation to the school social function of improving students’ social-emotional development, as well as the importance of evaluating pedagogical alternatives addressing this objective. Some limitations regarding this study and also research referrals are presented.



Del Prette, Z.A.P., Domeniconi, C., Amaro, L, Benitez, P, Laurenti, A. & Del Prette, A. (2013). La tolerancia y el respeto a las diferencias: efectos de una actividad educativa en la escuela. Apuntes de Psicología, 31, 59-66.




Research articles

How to Cite

DEL PRETTE, Z. A. P., DOMENICONI, C., AMARO, L., BENITEZ, P., LAURENTI, A., & DEL PRETTE, A. (2013). Tolerance and respect for differences: The effects of an educational activity at school. Apuntes De Psicología, 31(1), 59-66.

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