Motivación para el cambio como predictor de la adherencia terapéutica en el dolor crónico


  • Luis Antonio MERAYO ALONSO
  • Francisco Javier CANO GARCÍA



Psychological treatments that emphasize the auto management have turned out to be commonly adapted like alternative to the medical intervention in the chronic pain, Unfortunately this approximation often fails in compromising to a significant portion of individuals towards the treatments and many abandons and relapses. The aim of this study was to verify the predictive validity of States of Change Model in chronic pain using the Pain States of Change Questionnaire (PSOCQ) to predict adherence and therapeutic results. The sample consisted of48 patients of chronic pain —fibromyalgia- recruited in a public pain clinic of Seville (Spain). The half of them followed a cognitive - behavioral intervention, and another half a program of auto management guided by expert patients. The results support the predictive validity of the PSOCQ, while in ah that: a) patients with less change motivation had less probability of completing the treatment; b) change motivation increased as effect of the treatment; and, c) a less change motivation was associated to more gravity of the disorder. The discussion centers on the interest of considering change motivation to improve therapeutic efficiency.


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How to Cite

MERAYO ALONSO, L. A., CANO GARCÍA, F. J., & RODRÍGUEZ FRANCO, L. (2008). Motivación para el cambio como predictor de la adherencia terapéutica en el dolor crónico. Apuntes De Psicología, 26(2), 331-339.