Beliefs About Love and Well-being During Emerging Adulthood
Emerging adulthood , Myths of romantic love , Flourishing, Well-beingAbstract
The aim of this research was to study beliefs about relationships during emerging adulthood, specifically romantic love myths and types of love, and their relationship with well-being, taking into account gender differences. A total of 631 young people between 18 and 29 years of age articipated. The Spanish version of the Love Attitudes Scale, the Romantic Love Myths Scale, and the Flourishing Scale were used. The results showed a general tendency towards Eros love and a greater inclination of males towards Altruistic and Playful love, while females were more inclined towards Pragmatic love. Likewise, a low level of acceptance of romantic myths was observed, being higher in men. Higher levels of Eros and Pragmatic love were related to higher flourishing, while higher levels of Playful and Obsessive love predicted lower flourishing.
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