A model of structural equations like predictor of the motivation of the consumers in the sector services.


  • Carmen María SALVADOR FERRER


Along this work there are analyzed some components that determine the motivation of the consumers in the sector services. For such a purpose, there is constructed a theoretical frame that will be analyzed across structural equations. The sample of this work is shaped by 1201 clients, 49 % is men and 51% women who came to different services (commercial centers and hotels). The results reveal, so much in a general way as in the different services, the viability of the Path diagram. In addition, in view of the information, it would suit to highlight the relevancy that seems to exercise the experience in the construction that the consumers conform.



Salvador Ferrer, C.M. (2010). Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales como predictor de la motivación de los consumidores en el sector servicios. Apuntes de Psicología, 28, 425-442.




Research articles

How to Cite

SALVADOR FERRER, C. M. (2010). A model of structural equations like predictor of the motivation of the consumers in the sector services. Apuntes De Psicología, 28(3), 425-442. https://apuntesdepsicologia.es/index.php/revista/article/view/230