Los Trastornos Graves de Conducta en el contexto educativo




This article provides a synthetic route on the approach to be held in the school setting with students with special educational needs with severe behavioral disorders. The analysis is done from the practical perspective of a team of specialized educational guidance in these disorders, which have a key role advising, and acting as provincial level and between levels, provides an overview of this complex problem in all its dimensions including aspects related to the detection, assessment, schooling, education response and coordination. It also highlights the importance of education and training of teaching professionals for the development of inclusive education projects of these students, as well as improving other important aspects such as the updating of the census
categories of educational development specific forms of schooling where necessary, and the development of optimal protocols for coordination of the institutions involved
in caring for these students.




Research articles

How to Cite

GIMÉNEZ CIRUELA, A. M. (2011). Los Trastornos Graves de Conducta en el contexto educativo. Apuntes De Psicología, 29(2), 295-318. https://apuntesdepsicologia.es/index.php/revista/article/view/200