EDUCA Program. Parent Training for the Treatment of the Disruptive Disorders


  • Miguel Ángel DÍAZ SIBAJA
  • María Isabel COMECHE MORENO
  • Marta Isabel DÍAZ GARCÍA


The perturbing disorders in adolescence and during youth, as well as the aggressive and criminal behavior have increased notably in recent years, generating a great social worry for how to revert this tendency. Conduct problems are one of the most frequent disorders in the child and adolescent mental health units, as much in Spain, that supposes more than one half of the medical appointment, like out of our frontiers. Parent
training program has been considered by some researchers the first treatment option for child disturbed behavior and it would perform on like primary prevention of other more seriously behavioral disease. The main objective of this experimental study was to design and to prove the effectiveness of a protocolized parent training program in group for the treatment of the disruptive disorders (oppositional defiant disorder and antisocial disorder) in the childhood and the adolescence, as well as for to improve the family satisfaction and the familiar context. The initial sample of our study was composed for
31 families (31 mothers and 25 fathers) who were derived to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit of Algeciras for disruptive disorders in theirs children. The results obtained shown that the parent training program (EDUCA) was effective to produce a clinical and significant statistically reduction in the variables: Aggressiveness (p<0,05), hyperactivity (p< 0,02), Cohesion (p<0,01), Moral Religiousness (p<0,03), Organization
(p<0,03) and family Satisfaction (p<0,01).



Díaz Sibaja, M.A., Comeche Moreno, M.I. & Díaz García, M.I. (2011). Programa EDUCA. Escuela de padres para el tratamiento de los trastornos del comportamiento perturbador. Apuntes de Psicología, 29, 243-258.




Research articles

How to Cite

DÍAZ SIBAJA, M. Ángel, COMECHE MORENO, M. I., & DÍAZ GARCÍA, M. I. (2011). EDUCA Program. Parent Training for the Treatment of the Disruptive Disorders. Apuntes De Psicología, 29(2), 243-258.

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