Abused Child becomes Adult: Reflections on some clinical cases


  • Stefano CIRILLO Escuela de Psicoterapia “Mara Selvini Palazzoli”, Milán


The author analyzes some cases clinicians to reflect on different results than the experience of the sexual abuse suffered in childhood can have on the influence of development of a male subject. Proposed three different possibilities that are they can
detect in the clinical population. The classical transformation of victim to aggressor, the persistence, on the contrary, in the position of victim and one the relative to the victims of female male brothers spectator. The resources offered by the attachment (offered by the parent) model (guard, and also by the same abuser) in relation to the dimension of the fear aroused by the traumatic event play a decisive role in the address that can take the evolution of the abused child.



Cirillo, S. (2009). El niño abusado se convierte en adulto: reflexiones sobre algunos casos tratados. Apuntes de Psicología, 27, 289-304.


How to Cite

CIRILLO, S. (2009). Abused Child becomes Adult: Reflections on some clinical cases. Apuntes De Psicología, 27(2-3), 289-304. https://apuntesdepsicologia.es/index.php/revista/article/view/148