Therapeutic Alliance Building in Family Therapy.


  • Valentín ESCUDERO CARRANZA Universidad de A Coruña


The specific difficulties and strategies to create collaboration between therapist and clients in the context family therapy are analyzed. A review of the research and theoretical literature on the concept of therapeutic alliance is used to analyze how the
knowledge from the individual psychotherapy can be applied to the particular context of conjoint family therapy. Additionally, a specific model for the evaluation of the quality of the therapeutic alliance (SOATIF) in the process of family therapy is described. The four dimensions that compoun the SOATIF model are: Engagement in the therapeutic process, Emotional connection with the therapist, Safety within the therapeutic system, and Shared Sense of Purpose within the Family.



Escudero Carranza, V. (2009). La creación de la alianza terapéutica en la Terapia Familiar. Apuntes de Psicología, 27, 247-259.


How to Cite

ESCUDERO CARRANZA, V. (2009). Therapeutic Alliance Building in Family Therapy. Apuntes De Psicología, 27(2-3), 247-259.